Currently In-Stock
Discover the Power of Crystals: Let Us Intuitively Select the Perfect Stone for You!
We are more than happy to ship crystals! While we do not have individual crystals listed through this online shop, we do have two options available to purchase stones online.
To purchase a crystal online you can either:
Select the stone type + weight/size range --- If this is the choice, we will intuitively choose a stone for you. This option has no minimum purchase amount. Each stone will be shipped within two business days of the order.
- Book an appointment for a live one-on-one video sale. With this option, we will have a live video chat where you can do an overview of the store and then look at each piece that interests you to select your own piece. One-on-one personal shopping experience allows you to connect with one of the owners and gives you the opportunity to discuss what crystals best suit your needs if you are unsure what would be best for you. This has a $30 minimum order, payable at booking. If you order is more than $30, you will be invoiced for the additional cost + shipping.
Our stones are all natural. Nothing is heat treated, colour-enhanced, reconstituted or modified beyond carving/polishing.
Here is a list of the current stone types that we have available in-store:
- A:
- Afghanite
- Amber
- Amazonite
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Angelite
- Apache Tears
- Apatite
- Apophyllite
- Aquamarine
- B:
- Bismuth
- Black Quartz
- Black Moonstone
- Bloodstone
- Blue Aragonite
- Blue Aventurine
- Blue Chalcedony
- Blue Lace Agate
- Blue Onyx
- Brown Aragonite
- Bumblebee Jade
- C:
- Caribbean Calcite
- Carnelian
- Celestite
- Charoite
- Chevron (Dream) Amethyst
- Chicken Bloodstone
- Chocolate Calcite
- Chrysanthemum Stone
- Chryscolla
- Citrine
- Clear Quartz
- Cotton Candy Agate (Pink agate)
- Crazy Lace Agate
- D:
- Dalmation Jasper
- Dendritic Agate
- Desert Rose Selenite
- Dolomite
- Dragon's Blood Jasper
- E:
- Elestial Quartz
- Emerald (in Matrix)
- Epidote
- F:
- Fire Quartz
- Flower Agate
- Fluorite
- Fuschite
- G:
- Garden Quartz (aka: Lodalite)
- Golden Healer
- Green Goldstone
- Grape Agate
- Grossular Garnet
- H:
- Honey Calcite
- Howlite
- I:
- Iceland Spar
- J:
- Jade
- K:
- K2
- Kambaba Jasper
- Kyanite (Black, Blue)
- L:
- Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larvikite
- Lemurian Quartz
- Lepidolite
- Lithium Quartz (Pink)
- M:
- Malachite
- Mangano Jasper (Pink)
- Mookaite
- Moonstone (Black, Green, Peach, Rainbow)
- Moss Agate
- N:
- Nephrite Jade
- O:
- Obsidian (Black, Gold Sheen, Rainbow, Silver Sheen)
- Ocean Jasper
- Onyx (Black, Blue, Green, Pink)
- Opal (Green, Pink)
- Opalite
- Orca Agate
- P:
- Petrified Wood
- Phosphosiderite
- Polar Jade
- Polychrome Jasper
- Prasiolite
- Prehnite
- Purpurite
- Pyrite
- Q:
- Quartz (Black, Clear, Fire, Milky, Smoky)
- R:
- Red Jasper
- Red Creek Jasper
- Rhodonite
- Rhyolite (aka: Rainforest Jasper)
- Rose Quartz
- Ruby Fuschite
- Ruby Kyanite
- Ruby Zoisite
- Rutilated Quartz
- S:
- Sardonyx
- Selenite
- Serpentine (translucent & standard)
- Septarian
- Shiva Stones
- Shungite
- Smoky Quartz
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Sodalite
- Spirit Quartz
- Strawberry Quartz
- Suglite
- Sunstone
- Super Seven
- T:
- Tektite
- Tiger's Eye (Blue, Brown, Red)
- Tourmaline (Black)
- Tourmalinated Quartz
- Tremolite
- Trolleite
- U:
- Unakite
- V:
- Vesuvianite
- W:
- White Agate
- Y:
- Yooperlite
- Z: